Who can call LETSS?

In short, anyone – it is a free service we are proud to provide. Specifically, those who may like to access the service would be:

  • People with mental health conditions
  • Carers of people with mental health conditions
  • Families of people with mental health conditions
  • Friends of people with mental health conditions

What can I expect when call?

  • To chat with a lived experience peer worker who will listen and truly care about your current situation
  • Information about services available to you and how to navigate them
  • A transcript of your online chat conversation (if desired)

Worker on computer

Organising a wellbeing call

A follow up/wellbeing call can be arranged in various circumstances. For instance, after a hospital stay someone may request to receive a call from a LETSS peer worker to check in and see how they are doing, as well as provide information and assist with any queries they may have. Individuals who access the service may also request a follow up call from a peer worker after an initial conversation.

All we require is your client’s first name, phone number and confirmation of consent (verbal). We will call the client between the hours of 5pm and 11.30pm that evening.

** Please let us know if your client does not want us to leave a voice message should they not answer.

To arrange a wellbeing call, you can either:
Leave a voice/text message on 0408 293 767
or email to letss@skylight.org.au

Getting Support

Peer Mag

A Mag developed by the LETSS Team to help you stay well

Self Help

A range of self-help resources to check out when you need



Answers to your questions about our service